Hans Kämmerer
author - musician - composer - producer - soundart


Hans Kämmerer is a Berlin novelist, musician, composer and producer. His novels have autofictional elements and deal with the conflict between the individual and society. As a musician, he participated in various German bands as a bassist, guitarist or singer until he increasingly turned to his own work. Hans Kämmerer has produced complete sound sets for German theatres, and he also works in the field of sound art on selected projects or for radio. Since 2021 he has been releasing music albums under his name, which always follow a concept and individual storytelling. His music genres range from neoclassical to electronica, ambient, indie pop, rock and jazz, but are mostly cross-genre, creating their own sound. With his collabs from America, Europe, Asia and Australia, singles, EPs and albums are released at regular intervals. Since 2024, Hans Kämmerer has increasingly been producing music for himself with a focus on sync music, which has a strong piano component and emphasizes breaks and warmth. In addition, Hans Kämmerer also publishes under pseudonyms in order to further dedicate himself to other genres and other forms of musical storytelling.
